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Univeritat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain

Title: Numerical research of steady fluidic characteristics inside triangular and trapezoidal enclosures


Biography: Bo AN


Considering the present work, the flow inside 2D lid driven triangular and trapezoidal cavities is investigated based on the lattice Boltzmann method. It is important to notice that the steady fluidic characteristics are the only concerns in the present work. The numerical cases were tested in many enclosures of different geometries. The equilateral triangular cavity was the first geometry to be studied, the simulation was performed at Reynolds number 500 and the numerical prediction was compared with previous work done by other scholars. Several isosceles triangular cavities were studied at different initial conditions, Reynolds numbers ranging from 100 to 3000. A series of trapezoidal cavities with different top/base ratios were also studied at low Reynolds numbers. Compared with the lid driven condition, for each trapezoidal geometry, the driven velocity was also tested on the base line, regardless of the geometry studied, the top lid was always moving from left to right and the driven velocity remained constant. Results were also compared with previous works performed by other scholars, the agreement is very good.