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Iván Santamaría Holek

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, Campus Juriquilla, Mexico

Title: Short- and long-time rheological properties of suspensions of solid particles at arbitrary volume fractions


Biography: Iván Santamaría Holek


In this talk I will discuss the role of confinement forces in the obtention of the viscosity and the diffusion coefficients as a function of particle concentration for suspensions of solid particles at arbitrary volume fractions. In addition, I will also discuss the connection between the mentioned rheological properties with the mesoscopic dynamics of the suspended particles by showing their implications on the Stokes-Einstein relation. A generalization of this relation valid at arbitrary volume fractions is proposed. I will particularize the results to spherical particles and give a clue on its generalization to particles of arbitrary shapes. The generalization of the Stokes-Einstein relation leads to the existence of effective temperatures in these systems. This is briefly discussed in these systems and in the context of active micro-rheology in colloidal and molecular glasses. Comparison between theoretical calculations and experimental results is remarkably good in all cases.