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Babak Derakhshandeh

Babak Derakhshandeh

Lead Scientist
Coanda Research and Development Corporation


Babak Derakhshandeh is Lead Scientist at Coanda Research and Development Corporation and also acts as an Adjunct Professor at The University of British Columbia. He has his research interests in Rheology of complex fluids, Mixing of industrial, non-Newtonian mixtures, Multi-phase flows, Core-annular flow of non-homogenous mixtures, Tailings transport and Jet and spray nozzle design. He was a PhD Research Assistant at The University of British Columbia from May 2007 – July 2011.

Research Interest

Rheology of complex fluids, Mixing of industrial, non-Newtonian mixtures, Multi-phase flows, Core-annular flow of non-homogenous mixtures, Tailings transport and Jet and spray nozzle design