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Luis A García-Zapateiro

Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia


Luis A García-Zapateiro received his BS in Food Engineering from University of Cartagena, Colombia in 2005, his MSc degree in Formulation and Product Technology, applications in the Chemical Industry, Agri-Food and Pharmaceutical and his PhD degree in Processes and Chemical Products from University of Huelva (UHU), Spain, in 2007 and 2013, respectively. He has worked in the Department of Chemical Engineering in the research group of the complex fluid from University of Huelva (Spain). He has been a Director, Head of Department of Unit Operations and Professor of Food Engineering. Currently, he works as Head of Department of Postgraduate Faculty of Engineering of the University of Cartagena (Colombia), and also is the Director of the research group, IFCRA. His main expertise is in food product design, complex fluid and rheology. His investigations are in vegetable oils, estolides, lubricant and biodegradable greases. In the food product area, he has performed research in emulsions, hydrocolloids from tropical fruit, isolated proteins from fish and vegetable seeds such as beans.


Abstract : The influence of thermic treatment on viscoelastic properties of squash (Cucurbita moschata) pulp