Call for Abstract

International Conference on Rheology and Fluid Mechanics, will be organized around the theme “Unifying the Statics and Dynamics of Fluids”

Rheology 2016 is comprised of 20 tracks and 184 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Rheology 2016.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Suspension rheology is a broad and rapidly evolving field. It is a special subject on its own being interdisciplinary in nature. From a macroscopic point of view suspensions are termed as continuous or simply homogenous in nature. Colloids are mixtures having particles too small to be seen by naked eyes and yet larger than molecules whose size varies between 2 and 1000 nanometres. Colloidal suspensions are experienced in a multitude of natural, biological and industrially relevant products and procedures. Colloidal suspensions, commonly also called dispersions, are complex fluids. These materials are different from simple fluids because of the relative arrangement of their constituents, commonly referred to as microstructure. Their flow is determined by the interplay of particle scale forces with the motion which is imposed by macroscopic flow.

The rheological properties of concentrated, aggregated colloidal suspensions can be determined through particulate stimulation. This is because aggregating systems experiences large viscous enhancement over non-aggregating system. This is due to the increase in the component of viscosity arising from the repulsive colloid forces when the attractive ones are already present in the scenario.

  • Track 1-1Fine particles and colloidal suspensions
  • Track 1-2Surface forces, adhesion, friction and thin liquid films
  • Track 1-3Molecular assemblies
  • Track 1-4Bio colloids and bio interfaces
  • Track 1-5Foams, Bubbles, Emulsions and Micro emulsions
  • Track 1-6Kelvin-Voight model
  • Track 1-7Bulk Glass-Forming Metallic Alloys
  • Track 1-8Rheology Of Particulate Dispersions And Composites
  • Track 1-9High Solid Dispersions
  • Track 1-10Particular size effect on the rheology of glass composites
  • Track 1-11Elastic properties and Rheology of Dense Colloidal Systems
  • Track 1-12Colloid rheology and micro rheology
  • Track 1-13Colloids in non-aqueous media
  • Track 1-14Contemporary Topics in Computational Rheology
  • Track 1-15Rheology of emulsions
  • Track 1-16Cellular solids: structure and properties

The use of various fillers incorporated into the polymers has gained popularity as it comes as a means of reducing costs and bestows certain worthwhile properties to the polymer. These properties include mechanical, thermal, electrical and magnetic properties. The rheological properties of filled polymers are determined by:-

  • The type of filler
  • Size of filler
  • Shape of filler
  • Size distribution
  • And amount of filler incorporated

Enthalpic interactions modify the entropic statistical behaviour of an ideal polymer chain. This means that there are no net expansive forces, in other words it does not matter whether monomers in contact are part of the same chain or on different chains. Result is that the scaling exponent for an ideal random walk (ν = 0.5) is recovered. Polymer experiences a very strong attractive potential This could be either a low temperatures (we have previously ignored attractive part of vdW force) or when polymer is placed in very poor solvent This globular state is very important in biopolymers (proteins, DNA) and is also significant in synthetic polymer processing.


  • Track 2-1Fractal Analysis of Polymer Melt
  • Track 2-2Viscosity, Diffusion, and Elasticity of Polymer Melts
  • Track 2-3Polymer rheology
  • Track 2-4Relaxation time and dimensionless numbers
  • Track 2-5Flow Instability in Polymer Solution and Melts
  • Track 2-6Filler rheology
  • Track 2-7Illustrations: polymer melts and solutions
  • Track 2-8General rheological behaviour of polymers
  • Track 2-9Tubeless siphon, elastic recoil and turbulent drag reduction
  • Track 2-10Polymer solution as a suspension
  • Track 2-11Flow viscosity and normal stress
  • Track 2-12Extrudate/die swell
  • Track 2-13Contraction flow
  • Track 2-14Tubeless siphon, elastic recoil and turbulent drag reduction
  • Track 2-15Melt flow rate
  • Track 2-16Rheology of Polymer Gels

We can tell that the fluid behaviour is non-Newtonian if the simple shear data doesn’t pass through the origin and/or doesn’t result in a linearity of graph between the shear stress and shear rate . Non-Newtonian fluids change their viscosity as well as flow behaviour under the action of stress. Application of force to such fluids makes them thicker and acts like a solid, whereas in some cases it may result in the opposite behaviour i.e. they may get runnier than they were before. Removing the stress will make them return to their earlier state.

The materials that show both viscous as well as elastic properties while undergoing deformation are categorised as Viscoelastic and the properties of the same are called viscoelasticity.  Viscoelasticity can be in general terms called as a molecular rearrangement. When stress is applied to such a material, say a polymer, parts of the long polymer chain tends to change position. This rearrangement or change is called creep.

  • Track 3-1Kelvin-Voight model
  • Track 3-2Role of Entanglement Molecular Weight For different Solutions
  • Track 3-3Non‐Newtonian behaviour: phenomenology
  • Track 3-4Maxwell Model
  • Track 3-5Empirical models of Viscoelasticity
  • Track 3-6Standard solid model
  • Track 3-7Time-Dependent Material Response
  • Track 3-8Elasticity vs. Viscoelasticity
  • Track 3-9Generalized Maxwell Model
  • Track 3-10Prony series
  • Track 3-11Effect of temperature on viscoelastic behaviour
  • Track 3-12Measuring viscoelasticity
  • Track 3-13Mathematical Theory of Viscoelastic Fluids

Interfacial rheology is a special branch of rheology that involves studying the unique two-dimensional systems formed at interfaces. Just as rheology is the study of flow in bulk fluids, interfacial rheology is the study of the flow properties of liquid interfaces. These flow properties are important in determining, for example, the behavior and stability of suspensions, emulsions, froth and foams.Emulsion and foam stability, bubble and micelle formation, breakage and fusion and interfacial reactions are largely affected by the rheological properties of the interface. For industries utilizing emulsions and dispersions, such as coatings, food, oil and chemical industries, interfacial rheology can be key when developing and improving processes and products. Most biochemical reactions in nature occur at or in interfaces, such as cell walls and other membranes, and understanding the rheology is one factor in understanding and mimicking the biological system.

Computational rheology involves the design, implementation, and use of numerical methods for the computer simulation of the flow of non-Newtonian fluids in complex geometries. Polymer solutions and melts, like other rheologicallycomplex fluids, exhibit a variety of non-Newtonian flow properties. The viscoelastic character of a given flow is often measured by the dimensionless Weissenberg number We, defined as the product of a characteristic relaxation time of the fluid and a characteristic deformation rate of the flow.

  • Track 4-1Parameter Estimation in Continuum Models
  • Track 4-2From the Continuous to the Discrete
  • Track 4-3Numerical Algorithms for Macroscopic Models
  • Track 4-4Error Estimation and Adaptive Strategies
  • Track 4-5Environmental colloid and interfacial processes
  • Track 4-6Future directions in colloid and surface science
  • Track 4-7Colloid and surface science in mineral separations and processing

Self-assembly as a course to materials have its foundations firmly in organic chemistry. Self-assembly, hence, embraces all scales, with the possible possibilities of a completely rational and predictable path to materials. The forces that accounts for materials self-assembly at length scales except the molecular force include capillary, colloidal, elastic, electric, and magnetic and shear. The system advances towards a position of lower free energy and greater structural stability.

  • Track 5-1Colloidal gels and micro gels
  • Track 5-2Fabrication of colloidal assemblies and devices
  • Track 5-3Self-assembled Systems types
  • Track 5-4Impact of self-assembled surfactant structures
  • Track 5-5Orthogonal self-assembled systems
  • Track 5-6Rheology of emulsions, foams and gels
  • Track 5-7Structural, Elastic and Viscoelastic Properties
  • Track 5-8Gel point in physical gels
  • Track 5-9Rheological properties of gelling systems above their boiling point
  • Track 5-10Thixotropy measurements

Microfluidics is the science as well as technology of systems that deals with the processing and manipulation of small amount of fluids, generally 10-9 to 10­-18 litres, using directions with dimensions varying between tens and hundreds of micrometres. Microfluidics promises to offer fundamentally new capabilities in controlling the concentrations of molecules in space and time.

  • Track 6-1Micro&nano fabrication techniques
  • Track 6-2Novel microsampling, separation and detections
  • Track 6-3Fluidic microactuators and mixing
  • Track 6-4Bioanalytical micro/nanodevices

Large molecules that are formed by joining smaller sub units called Monomers are termed as Biological macro molecules and are important to living organisms. The macro molecules are broadly divided into the following categories.

  • Carbohydrates
  • Lipids
  • Proteins
  • Nucleic acids
  • Biological macromolecules are important cellular components and perform a wide array of functions necessary for the survival and growth of living organisms,
  • Biological macromolecules are polymers that are synthesized via dehydration reactions among smaller components called monomers.
  • Biological macromolecules can be broken back down into their simpler components via hydrolysis reactions.
  • The four major classes of biological macromolecules are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.
  • Track 7-1Biomolecules as nano machines
  • Track 7-2Measuring of mechanical properties of Proteins
  • Track 7-3Rheology in ion channels
  • Track 7-4Mechanical properties of globular protiens measured via nano rheology
  • Track 7-5Biosensor based on nano rheology

Food Rheology is simply the study of rheological properties of food which includes the consistency and flow of food under tightly specified conditions. Food is classified into various categories like solid, gel, liquid, emulsion according to its rheological properties. These properties hence affect the food processing plants ‘design which in turn makes food rheology a very important field of study.

The aim of Bio rheology is to determine the dynamics of physiological processes at all levels and characterize them. It also provides explanations to the relationships between rheological properties of various biological systems. These studies includes both animal and plant systems. They  can be divided  in broad contexts like the rheology of macromolecules as well as macromolecular arrays  and also  in narrower contexts like the rheology in cells, tissues or organs.

  • Track 8-1Haemorheology
  • Track 8-2Cell rheology
  • Track 8-3Mucus rheology
  • Track 8-4Erythrocyte rheology
  • Track 8-5Food rheology vs. Food texture
  • Track 8-6Importance of acceptable food rheology
  • Track 8-7Rheological instrumentation used in food rheology
  • Track 8-8Sensory evaluation methods for liquid foods
  • Track 8-9Psychotheology
  • Track 8-10Cardio-vascular Rheology
  • Track 8-11Applications in chemistry, physics, engineering, materials and biomedical fields
  • Track 8-12Rheology coagulation
  • Track 8-13Rheology sensory

Microrheology is a technique used to measure the rheological properties of a medium, such as microviscosity, via the measurement of the trajectory of a flow tracer (a micrometre-sized particle). It is a new way of doing rheology, traditionally done using a rheometer.

Micro rheology effectively measures material properties on the scale of the probe used i.e. the colloidal tracer particles present in the sample. These techniques are called micro rheology as they can locally measure the viscoelastic parameters. The popular principle behind micro rheology is to reduce the mechanical probe that is deforming the medium. Modern high-resolution microscopy and the application of micrometre sized spheres as probes, in synchronicity, has allowed the measurement of rheological material properties at the micrometre scale.

  • Track 9-1Active Microrheology Methods
  • Track 9-2Passive Microrheology Methods
  • Track 9-3Nonlinear microrheology
  • Track 9-4One-Particle Microrheology
  • Track 9-5Two-Particle Microrheology
  • Track 9-6Rheological behavior
  • Track 9-7Interactions and structure

Concrete rheology is most important to decide the workability of the concrete and mortar. Here the rheological properties of the fresh cement paste are the key parameter .Adding less water increases the mechanical properties of the hardened concrete. However reducing the water-to-cement ratio may decrease the ease of mixing as well as its application. To avoid these unwanted effects, super-plasticizers are added to decrease the yield stress and the viscosity of the fresh paste. Addition  of plasticizer highly improves concrete and mortar properties.

  • Track 10-1Flow prediction of concrete
  • Track 10-2Cement-water system
  • Track 10-3Cement based material testing methods
  • Track 10-4Solutions for cement and mortars
  • Track 10-5Compressive rheology
  • Track 10-6Empirical test methods
  • Track 10-7Re-moulding tests
  • Track 10-8Flow tests
  • Track 10-9Rheology aging
  • Track 10-10Stimulations principles and main factors controlling production

Rheology play an important role in the petroleum industry, in drilling as well as the production. Petroleum products are not simple mixtures. They are complex mixtures of hydrocarbon compounds. They consists of simplest of gases like methane to large asphaltenic molecules with molecular weights of thousands. This chemical variation results in variations of viscosities and rheological properties.

The various fields of pharmaceuticals where rheological studies are considered are gels like creams and precursors, emulsions and aerosols. It may so happen that it has effects on patients’ acceptability of the product, physical stability, biological availability, etc.


  • Track 11-1Non-Newtonian rheology of pharmaceutical systems
  • Track 11-2Newtonian rheological behaviour, with special emphasis on Newtonian pharmaceutical systems
  • Track 11-3Units and magnitude of viscosity values of common pharmaceutical liquids
  • Track 11-4Interpret pseudo plastic and dilatant rheograms and identify shear-thinning and shear-thickening behaviours
  • Track 11-5Significance and calculate the plastic viscosity and yield values of plastic rheograms
  • Track 11-6Crude oil characterization and compositions
  • Track 11-7Water in crude oil dispersions
  • Track 11-8Crude oil gels and time dependent rheology

Compressible flow deals with flows having remarkable changes in fluid density. Gases, display such behavior. The Mach number must be greater than about 0.3 (since the density change is greater than 5% in that case), to differentiate compressible from in-compressible flow in air, . The study of compressible flow is pertinent to high-speed aircraft, jet engines, rocket motors, hyper-loops, high-speed entry into a planetary atmosphere, gas pipelines, commercial applications such as abrasive blasting, and many other fields.

Turbulence or turbulent flow is a flow regime characterized by chaotic property changes. This includes low momentum diffusion, high momentum convection, and rapid variation of pressure and flow velocity in space and time.

In numerous fields of study, the component of instability within a system is generally characterized by some of the outputs or internal states growing without bounds. Not all systems that are not stable are unstable; systems can also be marginally stable or exhibit limit cycle behavior

  • Track 12-1Prandtl-Meyer fans
  • Track 12-2Approach towards the Compressibility
  • Track 12-3One-dimensional flow
  • Track 12-4Oblique shock reflection
  • Track 12-5Converging-diverging Laval nozzles
  • Track 12-6Oblique shock waves
  • Track 12-7Isentropic flow Mach number relationships
  • Track 12-8Two-dimensional flow
  • Track 12-9Important Effects of Compressibility on Flow
  • Track 12-10Applications

The fundamental basis of almost all CFD problems are the Navier–Stokes equations, which define many single-phase (gas or liquid, but not both) fluid flows. These equations can be simplified by removing terms describing viscous actions to yield the Euler equations. Further simplification, by removing terms describing vorticity yields the full potential equations. Finally, for small perturbations in subsonic and supersonic flows (not transonic or hypersonic) these equations can be linearized to yield the linearized potential equations.

  • Track 13-1Background and history
  • Track 13-2Methodology
  • Track 13-3Discretization methods
  • Track 13-4Turbulence models
  • Track 13-5Probability density function (PDF) methods
  • Track 13-6Two-phase flow
  • Track 13-7Solution algorithms
  • Track 13-8Unsteady Aerodynamics
  • Track 13-9Biomedical Engineering

The fluid flow control systems can be classified depending on the type of pressure source,on the pipe system structure and on the control element. Depending on the pressure sourcetype, the flow control systems can be equipped with centrifugal pumps or volumetricpumps. Concerning the pipe structure, the flow control systems can be used within thehydraulic systems with branches or without branches. The control element within the flowcontrol systems can be the control valve or theassembly variable frequency drive – electricengine - centrifugal pumps.

  • Track 14-1Drag Reducing Agents
  • Track 14-2Areas of use of Drag Reduction
  • Track 14-3Propulsive efficiency
  • Track 14-4Cycle efficiency
  • Track 14-5Mechanical efficiency
  • Track 14-6Flow control (data)
  • Track 14-7Stop-and-wait
  • Track 14-8Sliding Window
  • Track 14-9Transmit flow control
  • Track 14-10Open-loop Flow Control
  • Track 14-11Closed-loop Flow Control
  • Track 14-12PC–radio flow control

Accurate prediction of highly vortical flows in a transonic environment has been along-standing dilemma in computational fluid dynamics because the artificial dissipa-tion required inevitably for shock capturing significantlyaffects the evolution of vortices.Typical examples include shock–turbulence interactionsand helicopterrotor flows. Even though this predicament is most commonly found incompressible-flow simulations, many incompressible CFD codes based on upwind dis-cretizations for stability and robustness at high Reynoldsnumbers are also confrontedwith the same problem.

  • Track 15-1Circular Discrepancy and a Monte Carlo Algorithm for Generating a Low Circular Discrepancy Sequence
  • Track 15-2Periodic and Quasiperiodic Motion of Point Vortices
  • Track 15-3Experiments on Heave/Pitch Limit-Cycle Oscillations of a Supercritical Airfoil Close to the Transonic Dip
  • Track 15-4Vortices in Superconductors
  • Track 15-5Geometric, Stochastic and Algebraic Vortices
  • Track 15-6Vortex Dipole Coordinates on the Sphere
  • Track 15-7Typical Vortex Phenomena in Flow Fields Past Space Vehicles
  • Track 15-8Magneto-Fluid-Dynamic Flow Control

Geophysical fluid dynamics is the study of naturally occurring, large-scale flows on Earth and other planets. It is applied to the motion of fluids in the ocean and outer core, and to gases in the atmosphere of Earth and other planets.

  • Track 16-1Fundamentals of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
  • Track 16-2Buoyancy and stratification
  • Track 16-3Barotropic waves
  • Track 16-4Rotation
  • Track 16-5Small to medium scale atmospheric dynamics

Bio-fluid mechanics is the study of a certain class of biological problems from a fluid mechanics point of view. Biofluid mechanics does not involve any new development of the general principles of fluid mechanics but it does involve some new applications of the method of fluid mechanics. Complex movements of fluids in the biological system demand for their analysis professional fluid mechanics skills.

  • Track 17-1Introduction, Anatomy and Physiology
  • Track 17-2Biofluids, Blood Vessels and Respiratory System Walls
  • Track 17-3Governing Equations
  • Track 17-4Analytical Forms
  • Track 17-5Computational Methods
  • Track 17-6Numerical Modelling of Wave Propagation
  • Track 17-7Three Dimensional Problems

Magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) (magneto fluid dynamics or hydromagnetics) is the study of the magnetic properties of electrically conducting fluids. Examples of such magneto-fluids include plasmas, liquid metals, and salt water or electrolytes.

  • Track 18-1Background and history
  • Track 18-2Ideal and resistive MHD
  • Track 18-3Applicability of ideal MHD to plasmas
  • Track 18-4Importance of Resistivity
  • Track 18-5Importance of Kinetic Effects
  • Track 18-6Structures in MHD systems
  • Track 18-7Waves
  • Track 18-8Extensions
  • Track 18-9Applications

In fluid mechanics, multiphase flow is simultaneous flow of (a) materials with different states or phases (i.e. gas, liquid or solid), or (b) materials with different chemical properties but in the same state or phase (i.e. liquid-liquid systems such as oil droplets in water).

he relatively recent increase in computational power available for mathematical modeling and simulation raises the possibility that modern numerical methods can play a significant role in the analysis of complex particulate flows.

  • Track 19-1Environment and Nature of Multiphase Flows
  • Track 19-2Oil and Gas
  • Track 19-3Single Particle Motion
  • Track 19-4Bubble or Droplet Translation
  • Track 19-5Bubble Growth and Collapse
  • Track 19-6Homogeneous Flows
  • Track 19-7Internal Flow Energy Conversion
  • Track 19-8Flow Patterns
  • Track 19-9Modeling and Simulation of Particulate Flows
  • Track 19-10Lagrangian Numerical Simulation of Particulate Flows
  • Track 19-11Fictitious Domain Method for Particulate Flows

The Environmental Fluid Dynamics studies flow and transport in a diverse range of environmental systems, including the atmosphere, the oceans, lakes, streams and subsurface environments (e.g. groundwater, oil) as well as the interfaces that connect these diverse systems.

  • Track 20-1Materials Processing
  • Track 20-2Risk assessment
  • Track 20-3Stochastic models and mass transfer
  • Track 20-4Physical limnology